Vandalised Defibrillator Cabinet – UPDATE
We are delighted to be able to update you all on the damaged defibrillator cabinet at Roe Lee Park, Blackburn.
Firstly, thank you for your incredible support in the donations made in the last 7 days. These donations have covered the cost of a replacement cabinet, and enables us to also replace the pads and battery in the defibrillator itself. We are overwhelmed by your generosity and continued support.
Secondly, the CCTV images which have reached over 100,000 people have – we understand – resulted in the culprits being identified to the Friends of Roe Lee Park group. We have no further update on that aspect, other than to say we have offered to meet with the individuals to help educate them in the importance of this equipment, and also to offer them a place on one of our emergency first aid and defibrillator training courses. We hope this can bring another positive out of what was somewhat different place this time last week.
Thirdly, thanks to the staff at Blackburn with Darwen Borough Council who assisted with the installation of the new cabinet.
This setback will not deter us. We will carry on doing what we are doing, and hope to be installing new defibrillators at new sites very, very soon.